Putting manifestation to test

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

The premise for this week’s challenge is: Manifest 3 things in a week. Manifestation is based on the law of attraction, and it’s been hugely popular and discussed in the last few years. Some see it as magic or disillusion. Others believe it’s one of the 12 universal laws, such as cause and effect.

The main misunderstanding about it is that you just have to ask for what you want, visualize it, and the universe will provide it. Ask and it is given like Esther Hicks would say. In my opinion, this is misleading, and simplifies it too much. Some important points that often get lost about the law of attraction are:

  • You have to match the vibration of what you want. If you think of what you want but you aren’t able to feel how you’d feel if you had the thing and fully embody it without resistance and limiting beliefs coming to mind, then it doesn’t matter how hard you want it, because deep down, you don’t fully believe you can have it. This is because the unconscious mind runs the show. And until we don’t feel worthy of it we won’t be able to have it.
  • Resistance. There are two sides to resistance. We could hold resistance to having something because as mentioned we don’t feel worthy of it, therefore, we’ll sabotage it. Or we can create resistance by being too attached to an idea or thing. If we can’t be at peace with not having something we’re probably too attached to that idea. When we believe we need something outside ourselves we don’t do it from wholeness, but either from fear, disconnection, pain, lack of love… And it comes with many low-vibration feelings such as the frustration of not having it, anger or envy at people who do, and even if we get it, we’ll be fearful of losing it. These are all valid feelings and great clues of how we feel and what sorts of wounds may be directing our lives.
  • We don’t always know what we really want. We know what we think we want and need, but it’s not always what we need. We may think we need money, but maybe what we really want and need is freedom, and we could find ways of getting closer to it without millions in the bank. Or we may want a partner, the love of our lives that will complete us, but what we need is to develop a strong relationship with ourselves first and be at peace with who we are.
  • Alignment. You need to be really self-aware of your shadows and gifts and be connected with your intuition to start experiencing synchronicities in your life and for manifestation to come more naturally to you.

With all that said, I start the week a little sceptic, because even if the law exists, I don’t think it’s something it can be controlled easily at will with time constrictions.

At the beginning of the week, the router at home stops working, for some reason, it isn’t getting an internet signal. It irritates me, and a technician can’t come until the following week. I can’t afford a week without internet, I think, I have too many things to do online… I remember the challenge and I ask for the router to work again, and I practice a visualization imagining it. I spend some time resetting the router to factory settings and trying other stuff without success. The following morning still nada. I go to work and keep visualizing every now and then that it’s working again. I get home and guess what, it’s working. Did I manifest it? I doubt it. Things like this have happened in the past and resolved themselves the next day just like this time. But who knows?

The second I want to manifest is related to procrastination. I’ve struggled very badly in the last weeks with procrastination and studying. And I’d like to get back on track because I was doing very well not that long ago. So I sit down, my mind is racing, I close my eyes and I practice a visualization. Visualization is a type of meditation, so it helps to calm my mind and regulate my nervous system. And the visualization itself allows me to observe how I react to the idea of studying, be present with it, and slowly soften my reactivity, avoidance and resistance. I’m reprogramming my mind and setting an intention to focus and finally do the thing. In this case, it actually works quite well, and I find myself getting back on track, rethinking my commitments and priorities and making more space for studying.

The last one was to eat healthier. I imagine myself in the body I think I’d like to have, making better decisions around food. And many things come up. I lack clarity about the root of my intentions, and my relationship with food is complex and trauma related. So in this case, a simple visualization doesn’t work and nothing changes. In this case, there is a need for commitment to diving deep into what my relationship with food is, my feelings about it, and my patterns… and this may take time, commitment, and maybe even professional help.

I have to admit that this week’s experiment is been more insightful than I thought. My main takeaway is regarding visualization, which has already become a new tool in my well-being toolset, and I hope to experiment and explore it deeper. I’ve found it very useful to explore my relationship with my desires and their true nature. And observe what’s going on inside of me regarding specific topics.

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