Identify your gifts

If you are into self-improvement it’s easy to get caught in a spiral of endless inner work, the moment you resolve or heal one thing there are already 3 more to work on, and you are never good enough. It’s like trying to reach an unreachable state that keeps evaporating between our fingers. And it always will to a certain degree. That’s not to say this work isn’t incredibly helpful but that we forget to also look at our positive aspects, victories, and gifts. This week’s challenge is all about that, identifying 10 positive traits and gifts in myself.

  1. Self-aware: It’s the one that allows me to grow, evolve, and change.
  2. Good listener: There’s a special warmth and connection when we hold space for somebody. It’s not only helpful to them, but I’ve also learnt so much about myself by listening to people’s stories. It connects us and gives us perspective.
  3. Observing: This one allows me to find the right composition behind a camera, identify patterns, find things in the supermarket, and remember random things.
  4. Sensitive: It’s kept me safe by being able to read people and allows me to enjoy the little life’s pleasure on another level, such as the sun on my skin or a Bonobo tune.
  5. Fun: I have a sense of childish adventure that makes life more silly and fun, especially when I find another goose like me, they’re the only ones that really keep me sane.
  6. Methodic: I love a system and even more finding a shortcut, thanks analytical mind.
  7. Open-minded: I’m open to approaching a problem from different angles until I find what works best. Even if some of those challenge the way things are supposed to be.
  8. Eternal learner: I love learning, from concepts to skills like dog grooming or cooking. Life is a sandbox, and I like to learn and play with my abilities.
  9. Honesty: Sometimes I wish I knew how to lie better. But I find it complicated and dodgy. I find it way easier to live by my own principles and be faithful to them.
  10. Caring: I care more than people think about others and I wish I could magically protect people from their pain. I care so much that I have to keep my distance sometimes.

The most interesting thing is been that every single positive trait has either been defined by painful experiences, protected me from them, or overcompensated for a weakness. I know I said I was going to focus only on the positive for this exercise. But it’s difficult to ignore the interconnectedness of all of our feelings, traits, emotions and experiences, for the good, the bad and the neutral. They’re all part of me and who I am. And so it is.

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

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